Weight Loss Goal for September 1, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

National Nutrition Month

Since the first change I'm making toward a healthier lifestyle is healthier eating, I was excited to find out that March is National Nutrition Month!  SparkPeople has come up with a downloadable "31 Days to a Healthier Diet" Calendar for this month.  It gives you one tip for a healthy diet for each day of March.  It's really cool and totally doable!  Some of them are really basic (like today's), but some tips offer great advice that I wouldn't have really considered otherwise.  It's nice to have small daily goals already set up for you.
Here's today's tip: 
Drink water. It's the only beverage your body really needs and craves. Gradually replace soda, flavored coffees, sugary drinks and other high-cal liquids with water. Aim for 8-12 cups each day.
Take a look at the rest of the calendar.  Click the picture.

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Ultimate Weight Loss Goal