Weight Loss Goal for September 1, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010


According to my new scale, I lost 3 lbs this week!  That means I have lost 5lbs total and I have officially lost 1% of my original body weight.  Woohoo!  I'm excited that I didn't take a step back like I had expected I would.  On we go!


  1. Yay, yay, yay! You must be feeling mighty fine!

  2. I DO feel mighty fine. Thanks, Lauren. :-)

  3. Melissa! I am so incredibly proud of you... I can hardly contain myself with how happy I am that you're meeting your goals and looking on this positively! As we all know, a positive attitude u s u a l l y comes out with a positive result. ;]

    Music update- my wonderful piano instructor at Spring Arbor, Audie Heydenburg, has recruited me to be in next semester's piano pedagogy class. She recommends taking it to get a feel for teaching piano to see if maybe it's something I want to pursue. I'm feeling a little anxious about it, as I have never really seen myself as entirely capable of teaching (perhaps you can enlighten me on the subject... haha), but it's worth a shot.

    I love seeing you when I come home! 'Good to Go' was deee-licious this afternoon. Spending time with mom and the girls always brings me joy. :]

  4. Thanks, Hannah Rose! And thanks for the music update. You are amazing and I am so grateful to you for giving me this motivation!


Ultimate Weight Loss Goal