Weight Loss Goal for September 1, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

3rd shift

I wonder if working 3rd shift will affect my ability to lose weight.  I sure hope not.  I've heard that lack of sleep is bad for you and in some cases can cause weight gain.  Of course, being part-time, I don't work every night.  I wish I did, I get more sleep when I have some semblance of a sleep schedule.  I usually try to get around 8 hours or so after work, but I'm not sure if that fully makes up for it or not.


  1. Melissa, I'm so proud of you! This is amazing! I was challenged to run a half-marathon with a friend in October, so I've been starting training already. 13.1 miles seems impossible right now, but I'm working on one goal at a time. They say once you're able to run 3 miles, you can start training for the longer stuff. :) So that's my first goal! It's coming along.

    A normal schedule IS the optimal thing (meaning even nights you DIDN'T work, you would still be up the same time every day, sleep the same time every day, etc). However, it's still possible to lose weight while having fluctuating hours. The semester I lost weight at school my hours were all over the place. I usually exercised at the same time of day but as you know, school life is definitely not the same hours from day to day.

    I'm so excited for you!!! I'll be praying and would love to see you soon, my dear. Are you in Zeeland right now? I live about 15 minutes from there... we should meet at that amazing lunch fast food place some time. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Wow! A marathon! How cool! That is really fantastic and I can't wait to find out how that goes.

    Thank you so much for your prayers. I really appreciate it! I'll pray for your marathon training as well. I am still living with the Burgharts but I go to Zeeland weekly. I would love to meet up for lunch soon. Does next week work for you? Monday or Wednesday?

  3. This is my 2nd attempt at posting...Brian deleted the 1st. :)

    Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

    I know you're familiar with Weigh Down's philosophy: hunger doesn't hurt. But a TV program yesterday ("Hannah, help me!") reminded me that there's also good reason to think otherwise: that irregular eating and getting overly hungry are a good recipe for bingeing. When you add irregular sleeping into that equation it probably makes the temptation double!

    However, I wager that if you are preemptive by planning substantive, healthy snacks at key intervals you can combat that pretty well! Hannah's suggestion on that show was: make time for yourself to eat and enjoy regular meals (a little planning goes a long way)and keep some healthy snack options at hand for the times when you are in a hurry.

    Just some thoughts to encourage and empower you! You ken doooo eeet...through Christ who gives you strength!

  4. Lauren, thank you so much for re-posting that! :-) Silly Brian.

    Your encouragement means a lot to me. I hope that regular eating will help. I've never really had regular eating habits in the past, so I guess I'll have to work on that. Until I get a routine figured out, I will definitely try to keep healthier snack options close-at-hand.


Ultimate Weight Loss Goal