Weight Loss Goal for September 1, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010


I now weigh 305.4 lbs.  That means I lost 7.5 lbs this past week!  That's a total loss of 17.6 lbs.  And I did it only by doing the same things I've been doing... walking, eating healthier foods, and eating smaller portions.  I'm feeling great!  Still having good days and bad days, but the good days are getting even better and the bad days aren't nearly so bad as they were before.

Chauncey (one of the boys I babysit) has been so sweet and encouraging.  Every time he sees me he mentions the whole losing weight thing.  It's adorable when he has a friend over and he tells the friend, "This is Melissa, she's losing weight!"  Seriously, it's happened more than once.  And he's told me more than once that I look like I've lost weight.  This kid is amazing.

now that my BMI is 43.8 I can expect a postcard from my friend, J, from England!  Woohoo!

I get to have a tea party with my sister!

I definitely did not expect to reach both of those in one week!  :-D


  1. Wow! Aren't you just a speedy burrito!
    I'll find you a good postcard and send it off. :)

  2. MELISSA!!!!

    Once your BMI reaches 42, I will go on a walk with you and give you a back massage. :) There's your next goal, darling. I love you, I'm so proud of you.

  3. Jolly good! One tea party coming right up! Cucumber sandwiches, anyone?

  4. Thank you, J! I really can't wait!

    Elisheva, I LOVE YOU! That sounds amazing! It was so nice to see you last night. I didn't expect to come home and see your beautiful face!

    Lauren, I love cucumber sandwiches, and I love you!


Ultimate Weight Loss Goal