Weight Loss Goal for September 1, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

minor setback

This week I gained 1.5 lbs.  I am determined that minor setbacks like this are not going to discourage me from fighting to live a healthier lifestyle.  I did have some good days and bad days this past week.  I did go for walks and I did eat some healthy meals, but I did have a few times when I overate and a few times when I wasn't hungry but ate anyway.  In the past I might have considered this an utter failure, but this time I am choosing to focus on the successes of the week and keep trucking on.  I know that keeping it up will help me be healthier. I know that I am already healthier than I was when I started on the first of March.


  1. Melissa, I am so proud of you! You are having a great attitude about the whole thing! This is just the way it goes. and in the large scheme of things... 1.5 lbs isn't that much.

  2. Thank you! You're right, it's not that much. I'll try to keep that in perspective.

  3. You're doing great, Melissa! Remember that sometimes water weight and muscle can affect our weighins... do you weigh yourself at the same time every day? Have you been working out? It's possible that you'll see the scale go up a little before it goes way down.

    Keep going, girl!

  4. Love ya! And I love your attitude! It was not a good week for me, nutritionwise, etc. But I am excited that I can do more physical stuff as I heal from surgery. Walk date?

  5. aww, poo. you've got the right attitude, though. and sometimes our bodies just do weird things. way to look at it realistically instead of getting discouraged. you're awesome.

  6. "YAY!"
    I say this in response to your positive thinking. Setbacks happen aaall the time- it's up to you whether you take it as a challenge or let it defeat you. You're doing great, my love!

    Also, I know you've done much research on the subject, but a little helpful hint in weighing, like the above encouragers have stated, its important to weigh yourself at the same time every time. I learned that it is best to weigh yourself in the morning, right when you wake up- there's no excessive intakes of water or food, so 'water weight' can't affect your weigh in.

    You could also see this 1.5 lbs as an encouragement! It may be that you are gaining muscle (not really sure how correct I am in this statement... but I like to think its right. haha) faster than you are losing fat. Just a thought. ;]

    Love you sis! Keep looking up! <3

  7. Thank you all for your comments. It really gives me so much hope and helps me keep going.

    Gina, thanks for the tips. I've been trying to weigh myself at the same time. Unfortunately, with my work schedule (working 3rd shift on various days of the week) it can be tricky. The weigh in that I am doing is Mondays after I wake up (whether it's in the morning or later in the day after sleeping). I guess because of that I'm not going to be able to rely too heavily on weight measurements. (And I have been doing some walking, too.) But I figure, as I keep going, my weight will gradually go down. My weigh-ins may not be perfectly accurate, but they can give me a general idea.

    Lauren, thank you. I would LOVE to go on a walk with you again soon. How about the next time I'm home (which will most likely be next Tuesday morning.)

    J, I'm still looking forward to your postcard. That's what I'm aiming for right now more than anything. :-)

    Rosie, :-) Thank you, I am encouraged. I love you, my dear!


Ultimate Weight Loss Goal