Weight Loss Goal for September 1, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

So, you want to help me lose weight?

Since I started this whole "live a healthier lifestyle" thing, I have had several people tell me to let them know if there is anything they can do to help.  I've been thinking about it, and I think I may have found a way.

First of all, simple things like commenting on my blog or asking me how it's going are wonderful and they boost my spirit and keep me focused.  But if you are looking for something more you can do to help, here's how...  I have a long-term motivation (Hannah agreeing to audition for American Idol), but that is a looooong way away;  I need some short term motivations to carry me through. So, if you want to help, you can...

  • Pick a goal that you would like to help me achieve:
    • If I lose x amount of weight (or get down to a certain weight)
    • If I get down to a certain BMI
    • If I go down a dress size or x number of dress sizes
    • If I go for a walk 6 times this week
    • Or come up with your own
  • Pick a reward that you would like to give once I achieve that particular goal:
    • Go for a walk with me
    • Give me a back or neck massage
    • Take me on a picnic
    • Teach me how to make a yummy healthy recipe
    • Invite me to your home for dinner
    • Buy me new walking shoes
    • Get me a hair cut
    • Buy me an outfit
    • Take me to the zoo or bowling or mini-golfing or some other fun activity
    • Buy/give me a good book
    • Buy me some groceries
    • Doll me up and take my picture
    • Take me to the opera/symphony/ballet/concert/theatrical performance
    • Or come up with your own.  It doesn't have to cost money, just give me something to look forward to and keep me motivated.  :-D
So... any takers?


  1. as soon as you get to bmi 44.5, I'll send you a postcard from England.

  2. Hmmm.... I like this idea. I'll have to think about it. :)
    - Sophie

  3. How about a weekend exploring (i.e., walking all over) Chicago? If you can cover amtrak-ing it to the city sometime this summer, you can stay with Mike and I and we'll show you the sights! (We can find stuff to do for cheap/free, I'm sure... Lincoln Park Zoo, strolling the lakefront trail, window shopping on the Mag Mile, lots of summer festivals all over the city...)

    Look at your schedule and let me know what works for you, and we can coordinate something. I suppose you can set an appropriate goal for the timeline.

  4. When you get down to 306.5 pounds we can have a snazzy tea party!

  5. Yay! You are all amazing!

    Joanna! I can't wait for the postcard!

    Sophie! I love you!

    Alaina! That sounds so great! I would absolutely love that! I'll have to look at my schedule and see when we could do that.

    Lauren! I love tea parties! Woohoo!


Ultimate Weight Loss Goal