Weight Loss Goal for September 1, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I had a schlump.  My first big schlump.  A few weeks of major off and ons, mostly offs.  I have not done a whole lot of exercising, I've been kind of eating whatever I wanted and however much I wanted.  But, I'm happy to announce that I am very motivated to be ON again!  I'm back up to 304 lbs, but I feel like I weigh more like 330. I am amazed that after doing things right for just a few months, I got used to feeling healthier.  Right now I just feel... bleh.

You know, I'm actually encouraged by the fact that I'm only up to 304 after doing everything wrong for a few weeks.  I am interpreting this as my body had started to become a better fat-burning machine through exercise and it carried over a little bit.  Yay, body!  You did great without me and now I'm gonna help you along again!  I kind of feel sometimes like my body is a whole other entity.  I often want to eat junk, overeat, and sit on my butt all day.  My body doesn't want those things.  It wants to be healthy.  So, now I'm gonna listen to my body and get up and move around.  I'm gonna eat yummy, nutritious things.  I'm not gonna stuff myself to exploding.

This week should be good because I'm gonna be at fifth grade camp.  Lots and lots of exercise, that's for sure!  And no junk food.


  1. I know you can't read this until you're back from camp, but I wanted to say that I am very impressed with your attitude.

    Gosh, there are so many ways to be imbalanced. I often find myself doing the dishes on one foot, leaning out on the other one like I'm already anticipating the next task. Or, I get so set on a mission (i.e. replace the kitchen towels) that I nearly bowl over the person who's walking into the room at the same time I am tromping through the doorway. This happens a lot.

    Today I was so determined to trim the grass around our fence that I kept going until I had large blisters on three of my fingertips from the shears. (I was wearing gloves and didn't even notice until I took them off.) Now the grass is trimmed, but I can't do a lot of other things until my hand heals.

    I need to keep reminding myself to slow down, do things in moderation, and be aware of what's going on in and around me. And it's not easy to do. Take courage and you'll get there! In a lot of ways, I'm right in there with you!

  2. Thanks, Lauren! You are wonderful! It means a lot to me that you don't think of me as a failure for my schlump. :-)


Ultimate Weight Loss Goal