Weight Loss Goal for September 1, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Look! She posted again!

Hey everyone!

For some reason, my wonderful family thinks I shouldn't give up.  lol

So, I'm kicking back in gear.

I have no idea how much I weigh right now.  I'm pretty sure I gained back most (if not all) of what I lost, but I can only start from where I am.  I think I'll hold off on weighing myself for a while.  I'm going to try to eat healthier again and start walking again.

I just moved in with Lauren and she said she is going to help me by trying to make healthier foods and encouraging me to come on walks with her and Brian.  I think that sounds great.

Thanks for your support, everyone!


  1. You can do it! What did it for me (willingly changing my eating habits over to eating REAL food) was a lot of reading (list below), watching Food, Inc. and having a friend who is changing what she eats at the same time. We're on the phone several times a day discussing the latest experiment (recipe) we're trying, or what we've substituted in our diets. Here are some of the substitutions (starting at the top of the food chain):
    -margarine to real butter
    -skim homogenized milk to local whole unhomogenized milk
    -eliminating as much sugar and corn syrup as possible
    -buying mostly grass-fed local beef and pastured pork and chicken instead of the cheapest junk meat we can buy
    -buying farm-fresh pastured eggs locally
    -making as much as we can from scratch (no boxed mixes or frozen entrees)
    -switching to organic produce
    -making our own yogurt
    -no more store-bought cereal (homemade granola or oatmeal or eggs instead for breakfast)
    It sounds like a lot now, but we did things gradually, one at a time and now I couldn't go back!
    Reading list:
    Real Food: What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck
    In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan
    Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michael Pollan
    and this blog has a good list of reading resources, and was where I got started:

    I'd love to chat if you have questions!

  2. glad you're back on track, doll :)
    setbacks and "fail"s happen. the important thing is starting again.
    even if you've re-gained the weight you lost, you haven't lost something that you gained - the knowledge that you CAN do this, you can eat healthy, you can be active.
    way to get back on the horse.
    anything i can do to be of assistance? i'm an expert at pestering, offering rewards, and declaring that just about everything should be made with whole grain :)

  3. Lori, thanks for all of the information! I'm excited to check it out!

    Ransomedhandmaiden, thanks for the words of wisdom. I am so blessed to have you for a friend. As a matter of fact, would you be willing to be my accountability partner next week or one of the weeks of September?

    Lauren, thanks for everything! And for the wonderful bodywash. I used it this morning and it was luxurious!


Ultimate Weight Loss Goal