Weight Loss Goal for September 1, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

It's not about the weight... it's not about the weight...

I must admit, the up-down thing is getting a little old, and I was hoping to have ended it.  This entry is my attempt to convince myself that it's okay and to look at the big picture.

I gained two lbs this past week (so I'm back up to 304.5).  BUT... I ate lots of good nutrients and I got some exercise.  Both are successes.

I have lost a total of 4 inches on my waist since the beginning of March.  Also, I have lost a total of 2 inches from my hips, 1.75 inches from my thigh, and 1.75 inches from my upper arm.

I started out wearing size 24 jeans, and now those are so baggy that if I don't wear a belt, they fall off.

It's NOT about the weight.  It's not about the weight.  IT'S NOT ABOUT THE WEIGHT!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The 20lb mark!

I have officially lost a total of 20 lbs!  Well, 20.5 to be precise!!!  WOOHOOO!  I started out at 323lbs.  I am now 302.5 lbs.  I have lost 6% of my starting body weight.  My BMI has gone from 46.3 to 43.4.  I am so close to breaking below 300, I can taste it!  It's been YEARS since I was below 300!

This past week was great!  I got back into exercising.  I did a lot of walking for aerobic exercise, and I threw in a little pilates for some strength training.  It felt great!  At the beginning of March I HATED exercise, and now I look forward to it!  How cool is that!  I am still eating relatively healthy, but my intake did go up more than it should have this past week.  I am going to try to watch that this week.  I don't need my stomach to stretch back out to where it was.  But, hey!  I lost 20 lbs!  I'm feeling great!  I'm gonna go conquer the world!

click the chart to see a larger version

Ultimate Weight Loss Goal